Eight Healthiest Travel Apps For Happy Trips — Well + Away

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Eight Healthiest Travel Apps For Happy Trips

Lyft, Uber, airline carrier, Airbnb, a translation app if voyaging over seas… these bare necessity travel apps. Once you’ve got those bases covered, the below apps will keep you feeling healthy, happy, pampered and well fed throughout any trip.

ClassPass - Unlimited indie fitness studio access

If you’re a member at home, your Equinox GM can ring up the GM where you’re headed and request to put you on the list. If you’re either not an Equinox member or would rather check out indie fitness studios, check to see if your destination is a ClassPass city. $100 for a month gets you unlimited classes at a number of cool, local studios.

Living Social - Rub that jetlag out at a steal

Wanting to be spendy on dining hotspots, indulge in a little shopping and get a taste of local pampering? Living Social is a go-to for booking nearly any spa service in case of mani-emergencies, tight shoulders from long haul in economy, or just because you’re on vacation and deserve it. Great deals, reviews to tell you who’s a winner and who’s a pass and geo-info so you can make sure they’re close enough to the hotel.

Style Seat - Get styled by local cool kids

Similar to Living Social in what it solves for the beauty-focused traveler, Style Seat features a few cooler spots than Living Social vendors - but the hipper vibe means these spas and salons are in no need of knocking off a few bucks.

EatWith - Eat, drink, turn strangers into friends

Restaurants are fun and fabulous and checking out the scene of a new locale is always a highlight of a new trip. But what if you want to connect with real locals, dig into food as authentic as sitting in someone’s own home, bring a bottle of wine from home and share with new friends? EatWith is like OpenTable for home cooks’ actual homes. Pick a cuisine, date and byo!

Nutrimatix - Like an extra posh Emergen-C

Download this one before you pack your bag for personalized, individualized vitamins/supplements. Like Emergen-C and your multivitamin got together and made high quality, filler-free, orange-tasting vitamin babies.  Answer a questionnaire on dietary restrictions, what your workouts are like and how much of the day you’re attached to a desk - and Nutrimatix will whip up one month’s worth of bespoke supps. Just toss enough of the individual packets to last your trip into a ziploc and you’re set.

FitStar - No excuses hotel workouts

If your on-the-road, in-room workout program could use a little inspiration, FitStar offers both a personal training app and a yoga app. Classes are led by athletes and fitness celebs, including Tara Stiles (!), and can be tailored to any level - from beginner to machine. There is a free version for access to one workout per week, and a paid version for unlimited access to personalized sessions and ‘Freestyle’ sessions for either $7.99 per month or $39.99 for a year.

Calm - Meditation app

If either you’re waiting for a last minute deal on hotels, or freaking out about maybe having to cancel a non-refundable vacation to accommodate a work trip - Roomer’s peer-to-peer hotel marketplace is an awesome little hotel booking secret. Score last minute deals on amazing rooms while at the same time helping out a fellow traveler; or post your room to Roomer if instead of a ladies weekend in Miami you now have to do trade show duty in Orlando.  

Vivino - Find the right local wine

In a new place and want to order something delicious and local but don’t know where to start? Or just want to make sure you’re not paying an arm and a leg over retail price for whichever local tipple this ends up being? Vivino’s wine list scanner can scan in near any wine list and provide crowdsourced reviews from over ten million users (so you need not default to second cheapest wine), and average price (so you know the real value of your buzz).

